Dawn Breaks Cape Elizabeth plein air

by David Lloyd Glover
Original - Sold
Not Specified
18.000 x 14.000 x 1.000 inches
This piece has been already sold. Please feel free to contact the artist directly regarding this or other pieces.
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Dawn Breaks Cape Elizabeth plein air
David Lloyd Glover
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
A plein air sketch of the Cape Elizabeth Lighthouse in Maine.
Thank you for viewing my gallery - David Lloyd Glover
September 22nd, 2012
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Comments (17)

Lori Pittenger
Congratulations your outstanding artwork has been featured on the leading page of Impressionism group! Please take a moment to add it to the New Featured Art Archive #15 and the Catalogs in the group’s discussions. Excellent work! Lori

Randy Rosenberger
Congratulations for having this piece of your artwork from your portfolio chosen to be featured on our homepage of the WFS group. It is worthy of such admiration and I am proud to display your fine art on the homepage of our family of friends and fine artists. Thanks for sharing your talents and beautiful pieces of artwork with our art community.