Lily flowers in Glass

by David Lloyd Glover
Original - Sold
Not Specified
18.000 x 24.000 inches
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Lily flowers in Glass
David Lloyd Glover
Painting - Acrylic On Plexiglass
original panting on plexiglass with acrylic.
Note: The FAA watermark will not appear on your print.
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August 25th, 2012
Similar Subjects
Comments (18)

Terry Wallace
David, I am revisiting this piece. I spotted it in my Favorites and the colors and simplicity of the image brought me to your page! Blessings!

Elaine Van Staalduinen
This piece, well this piece, is pure poetry - the suggestion of personal significance beneath layers of subtle tenderness clothed in the silence of soft light. You do have some amazing work, David.

Anne-Elizabeth Whiteway
David, this is sooooooooo gorgeous and enchanting. I'm so impressed with your work. You're so VERY talented & creative. This is another favorite. LF

Sandra Phryce-Jones
Hi David great for you to reply and thank you. I was wondering if you would create a stand frame so the viewer could look straight through it , that is what it looks like in your photograph ?

David Lloyd Glover
Thanks Sandra. I guess you would frame it in a simple edge frame. Very contemporary.